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Keperawatan Jiwa


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Statistik Penelitian

Documents 0 165
Citations 0 1997



FT, Universitas Riau

Kampus Bina Widya Km 12,5 Simpang Baru Pekanbaru 28293 – Indonesia

Tahun 2020

Preface: Conference on Theoretical Physics and Nonlinear Phenomena (CTPNP) 2019 AIP Conference Proceedings 2234 (1), 010001 0
Tahun 2019

Individual Expert Selection and Ranking of Scientific Articles Using Document Length Journal of ICT Research and Applications 13 (1), 36-49 0
Tahun 2017

Equation of state within gluon dominated QGP model in relativistic hydrodynamics approach Journal of Physics. Conference Series (Online) 856 (1) 0

Tahun 2016

A performance study of anomaly detection using entropy method 2016 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its … 6

Tahun 2015

Davydov’s soliton in an inhomogeneous medium AIP Conference Proceeding 1656, 050012 2

Viscosities of gluon dominated QGP model within relativistic non-Abelian hydrodynamics International Journal of Modern Physics A 30 (14), 1550077 1
Tahun 2014

Conference on Theoretical Physics and Non-Linear Phenomena (CTPNP) 2014 Advisory Board Journal of Physics: Conference Series 539, 011002 0

Near-Brane SU (6)-origin Higgs in Scherk-Schwarz breaking of 5-dimensional SU (6) GUT 4

On The Double-Vacua Duality of Multi-Scalar Higgs and NGB-Dual Higgses in Scherk-Schwarz Breaking of 5-dimensional SU (6) Symmetry Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences 46 (2), 140-158 0

Viscous quark-gluon plasma model through fluid QCD approach AIP Conference Proceedings 1617 (1), 91-95 0
Tahun 2013

A simple statistical analysis approach for intrusion detection system 2013 IEEE Conference on Systems, Process & Control (ICSPC), 193-197 8

Identification of orchid species using content-based flower image retrieval 2013 International conference on computer, control, informatics and its … 14
Tahun 2012

Dynamics of DNA Bubble in Viscous Medium AIP Conference Proceeding 1454, 298-301 0

Field theory approach in the dynamics of biomatter International Journal of Modern Physics : Conference Series 0

Exhaustive search-based model for hybrid sensor network 2012 4th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems … 3

Gluon matter plasma in the compact star core within fluid QCD model Gravitation and Cosmology 18, 32-38 7

Macroscopic simulation for the internal dynamics of nano processes in ball mills arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.2966 1

Modeling the interactions of biomatter and biofluid International Journal of Modern Physics : Conference Series 9, 133-142 1

Nonlinear conformation of secondary protein folding International Journal of Modern Physics : Conference Series 9, 127-132 3

The Correlation between Structural Capital and Innovation in Indonesian Manufacturing Industry Proceeding of the International Conference on Innovation, Management and … 2

The statistical properties of protein folding in the { phi}^ 4 theory Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 1
Tahun 2011

CONFORMATION CHANGES AND PROTEIN FOLDING INDUCED BY ϕ 4 INTERACTION Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday : Quantum Mechanics … 4

Fluid QCD approach for quark-gluon plasma in stellar structure Proceedings Of The Conference In Honour Of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday … 3

Modeling comminution processes in ball mills as a canonical ensemble Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 8 (2), 194-200 1

Pattern discovery for semi-structured web pages using bar-tree representation International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 3, 261-269 0

Real-time inclinometer using accelerometer MEMS arXiv preprint arXiv:1103.1678 3

Thermal denaturation of Peyrard-Bishop's DNA model with external force 0

The effects of bio-fluid on the internal motion of DNA Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 8 (1), 124-132 6

The study of macroscopic dynamics of nano processes in ball mills through nan-scale simulations Mathematical Sciences and Applications 34, 59-65 0

The thermodynamic properties of Davydov-Scott's protein model in thermal bath Proceeding of the Conference in Honour of Murray Gell-Mann's 80th Birthday … 5
Tahun 2010

Anharmonic oscillation effect on the Davydov-Scott monomer in a thermal bath Physical Review E 81 (6), 061907 16

openPC: a toolkit for public cluster with full ownership arXiv preprint arXiv:1012.2499 0

Proton decay in the 5D SU (6) symmetry breaking via little Higgs and Scherk-Schwarz mechanisms M. Gell-Mann 80th Birthday Celebration Conf. 5

Public infrastructure for Monte Carlo simulation: publicMC@ BATAN AIP Conference Proceedings 1244 (1), 190-195 1
Tahun 2009

A new approach for scientific data dissemination in developing countries: a case of Indonesia Earth, Moon, and Planets 104 (1), 331-336 0

Extracting physical observables using macroscopic ensemble in the spex-mixer/mill simulation AIPC 1169, 235-240 4

International Workshop on Advanced Material for New and Renewable Energy AIPC 1169 0

Preliminary simulation of temperature evolution in comminution processes in ball mills arXiv preprint arXiv:0909.5074 0

Reverse method for labeling the information from semi-structured web pages 2009 International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, 551-555 2
Tahun 2008

A Simple Mechanism for Focused Web-harvesting arXiv preprint arXiv:0809.0723 3

An integrated software-based solution for modular and self-independent networked robot 2008 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and … 1

GRID architecture through a public cluster 2008 International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering … 8

Indonesian Scientific Index-ISI 2

Microcontroller-based System for Modular Networked Robot arXiv preprint arXiv:0809.0727 0
Tahun 2007

Control and Monitoring System for Modular Wireless Robot arXiv preprint arXiv:0710.0903 14

Introducing OPTO: Portal for Optical Communities in Indonesia arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.0604 0

Load Balancing on Public Cluster with Extended Genetic Algorithm Proceeding of the International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication … 2

Multi and independent block approach in public cluster arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.3446 3

Open and Free Cluster for Public arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.0605 9

Public Cluster: parallel machine with multi-block approach arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.0603 9

Real-time control and monitoring system for LIPI's Public Cluster arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.0607 5

Resource Allocation in Public Cluster with Extended Optimization Algorithm arXiv preprint arXiv:0708.0608 5

Web-based Interface in Public Cluster arXiv preprint arXiv:0711.0528 7
Tahun 2006

Indonesian Copyright, No B 5
Tahun 2005

A Simultaneous Model to measure Academic and Financial Performances of Scientific Activities arXiv preprint physics/0508059 0

Gauge Field Theory approach to construct the Navier-Stokes equation Acta Physica Pol. A (2005) in press 2

Gauge invariant fluid lagrangian and its application to cosmology arXiv preprint physics/0508086 4

Grand Unification Theory Based on SU (6) Symmetry-Symmetry Breaking through Higgs Mechanism Jurnal Fizik Malaysia 26 (3 & 4), 149-151 0

Lagrangian dynamics of the Navier-Stokes equation arXiv preprint physics/0508092 3

Lattice QCD Calculation on Hadronic Binding Energy Lambda Jurnal Komputasi 1, 0504 0

Recent status on elementary particle physics: flavor and neutrino physics Physics Journal IPS C8 (2005) 0511 0

Relativistic Navier-Stokes Equation from a Gauge-invariant Lagrangian 12

SciBlog: A Tool for Scientific Collaboration arXiv preprint cs/0508061 3

Scientific and Financial Performance Measure : A Simultaneous Model to Evaluate Scientific Activities Theoretical and Computational Studies 4, 0110 4

Treating Non-linier phenomenon using field theory Jurnal Komputasi 1, 0505 0
Tahun 2002

Longitudinal polarization asymmetry of leptons in pure leptonic B decays Physical Review D 65 (7), 077506 16

Perturbative Calculation for the Heavy Meson Matrix Element Indonesian Journal of Physics 13 (1), 5-6 0
Tahun 2001

Isospin symmetry breaking and direct CP violation in B→ ϱγ within and beyond the standard model Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements 93 (1-3), 296-299 4

LT Handoko, Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 93, 296 (2001) Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl. 93, 296 3
Tahun 2000

57, 3186 (1998); A. Ali, P. Ball, LT Handoko and G. Hiller Phys. Rev. D 61, 074024 6

A Comparative study of the decays B ---> (K, K*) lepton+ lepton- in standard model and supersymmetric theories Physical Review D 61, 074024 915

A Comparative Study of the Exclusive Semileptonic Decays 0

A. Ali, LT Handoko, and D. London, Phys. Rev. D 63, 014014 (2000). Phys. Rev. D 63, 014014 6
Tahun 1999

A Comparative Study of the Decays B→(K, K) ℓ ℓ− in Standard Model and Supersymmetric Theories arXiv preprint hep-ph/9910221 0

Branching ratio and CP violation in semi-inclusive flavor-changing top decays arXiv preprint hep-ph/9907375 5
Tahun 1998

DESY (Hamburg) Qcd Corrections And New Physics-Proceedings Of The International Symposium, 241 0

Determination of the CKM unitarity triangle by B→ X d l+ l− decay Physical Review D 57 (3), 1776 14

Determination of the CKM unitarity triangle by β→ X [d] l [+] l [-] decay 広島大学 0

LT Handoko and J. Hashida, Phys. Rev. D 58, 094008 (1998). Phys. Rev. D 58, 094008 14

LT Handoko, Phys. Rev. D 57, 1776 (1998) Phys. Rev. D 57, 1776 9

Nuovo Cimento A 111, 95 (1998). Nuovo Cimento A 111, 95 8

Rare decays in the bd system (フレ-バ-の物理とその周辺) 素粒子論研究 97 (4), D8-D10 0

Semileptonic B-decay as a test of CKM unitarity Il Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996) 111 (1), 95-104 14
Tahun 1997

Determination of the CKM matrix by semileptonic rare B-decays arXiv preprint hep-ph/9712356 1

Determination of the CKM unitarity triangle by B→ Xd ℓ ℓ− decay arXiv preprint hep-ph/9707222 0

G. H-11 1 er, LT Handoko and T. Morozumi Phys. Rev. D 55, 4105 2

ibid. A. Ali, G. Hiller, LT Handoko, and T. Morozumi, 55, 4105 (1997). Phys. Rev. D 55, 4105 7

Isidori and Rey in Ref.[9] and also A. Ali, G. Hiller, LT Handoko and T. Morozumi Phys. Rev. D 55, 4105 2

Power corrections in the decay rate and distributions in Physical Review D 55 (7), 4105 275

Power corrections in the decay rate and distributions in B→ X s l+ l− in the standard model Physical Review D 55 (7), 4105 263

Test of the chiral structure and FCNC in the quark sector by radiative B meson decays International Journal of Modern Physics A 12 (31), 5609-5624 1

μ^+ μ^-Collider Physics Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics 95 (5), E42-E44 0
Tahun 1996

Power Corrections on Hadronic Spectra for B→ Xsl+ l-process (第 11 回山陽サマ-・インスティチュ-ト) 素粒子論研究 92 (4), D58-D60 0

Power Corrections on Hadronic Spectra for B→ X_sl^+ l^-process Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics 92 (4), D58-D60 0
Tahun 1995

B メソン系における FCNC の制限 (第 10 回 山陽夏の学校, 地域スクール報告) 素粒子論研究 90 (5), E26-E28 0

B-メソンにおけるベクトルライククォークの寄与 (B, D, K 中間子物理とクォー 素粒子論研究 90 (4), D57-D60 0

ibid. 10, 1733 (E)(1995) Mod. Phys. Lett. A 10, 1733 10

Model Independent Analysis for B→ Xsl+ l-Process (フレイバ-物理における新しい物理) 素粒子論研究 92 (2), B94-B96 0

Model Independent Analysis for B→ X_sl^+ l^-process (Flavor Physics and Beyond the Standard Model) Soryushiron Kenkyu Electronics 92 (2), B94-B96 0

T, Morozumi Modern Phys. Lett. AIO 309 3

The Effects of Flavor Changing Neutral Current and Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix Arxiv preprint hep-ph/9503218 1
Tahun 1994

b! s d with as Fourth-generation 0

arXiv: hep-ph/9910221. 0

Author's index 0

Determination of the CKM unitarity triangle by B ---> X(d) lepton+ lepton- decay Physical Review D 57, 1776 9

Jakarta, Indonesia, 19-21 November 2013 0

Journal of Theoretical and Computational Studies 0


openPC: Toolkit for Public Cluster 2


Theoretical and Computational Studies 0
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